Saturday, July 5, 2014

5 Reasons We Should Let Our Kids Make Messes

I have a tendency to avoid messes because I don't like cleaning them up. I'm a toy minimalist (we do have some, but I'd be thrilled if we didn't), and I really don't like to see things in disarray. That said, I know I need to let my kids explore their environment, engage in messy play, and just be kids. I'm trying to challenge myself to make changes that will benefit my whole family and this was an easy one to start with. 

Here are the reasons I'm trying to change my miserly ways and let my kids enjoy some good, old fashioned play. 

  1. It's a good way to engage the senses. Let your kids feel sand run between their fingers; let them hear the crunch of grass under their shoes; let them play in the rain. Count sticks, sort leaves, and make mud pies. These will all help your child's brain development.
  2. It will help kids cultivate their imaginations. Kids love to pretend. Parents do kids a huge disservice by plopping them in front of the television. Rather than watching cartoon characters do interesting things, allow your kids go to town with play dough or building blocks. 
  3. It will spark interest in new things. Give your kids opportunities help you in the kitchen.  Have them sort and organize their own toys. Sure, you might have some messes along the way, but you might help inspire a future chef and you might find that your kids have a great way to organize toys. 
  4. It's a great opportunity to teach kids how to clean up their own messes. Sure, let your kiddos enjoy making a great mess, but don't let them off the hook when it comes to the cleanup. Kid will whine and complain, but just remind them how much they enjoyed creating the mess and just explain that it's a part of life. 
  5. Build great me memories. My girls and I made two types of play doughs this past week. They mixed, stirred, and got flour all over my floor. Their dresses were covered in flour, and they had pieces of play dough stuck between their toes. This isn't my cup of tea - I would much rather sit on the couch and read books. They loved every second, though, and can't wait until we do it again. 

In case you're wondering what they're playing with in the photos, the girls and I made cloud dough and the softest play dough ever. Both of them take very little time to make, and were great fun to play with. Caroline's favorite was the cloud dough - she liked scooping and "making cookies" with the crumbly, pliable mixture. Riley enjoyed the play dough - she pretended to make pizzas, examined her fingerprints, and squished it through her fingers. 

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